We understand the market and are able to provide confidential advice to help you find the right job. We take a tailored and targeted approach to each client, and we constantly update our database of vacancies to ensure that you have the best possible chance of success.

We understand that finding the right job can be a stressful process, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you. We offer a variety of services to help you find the right job, including:

  • Expert screening: We use a variety of methods to screen candidates, including in-depth interviews, reference checks, and skills assessments. This helps us to find the best candidates for your needs.
  • Deep understanding of the market: We have a deep understanding of the legal market, including a diverse range of candidates, over 11,000 contacts and growing. This allows us to find the best candidates for your needs, regardless of their experience level or location.
  • Targeted approach to vacancies: We take a targeted approach to vacancies, dedicating time to mapping out the market, approaching the passive market, and building a superb portfolio of candidates and contacts. This allows us to find the best candidates for your needs quickly and efficiently.
  • Access to advertising of vacancies: We have access to a variety of advertising channels, including online job boards, print publications, and social media. This allows us to reach a wide audience of potential candidates.
  • Dedicated time head-hunting, resourcing and unearthing relevant candidates: We dedicate time to head-hunting, resourcing and unearthing relevant candidates. This allows us to find the best candidates for your needs, even if they are not actively looking for a job.
  • Zero upfront costs: We offer our services at no upfront cost to you. This means that you can try our services risk-free.

We are a team of experienced recruiters who have a deep understanding of the legal market. We have successfully placed over 400 individuals at all levels, and we have a strong network of contacts in the legal community. We understand the geographical patches and all aspects of law, and we are committed to helping our clients find the right job.

We are a leading legal recruitment service with a proven track record of success. We offer a variety of services to help candidates and clients find the right job, including:

  • Access to exclusive vacancies: We have access to a wide range of exclusive vacancies, including those that are not advertised publicly. This gives our candidates a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Expert knowledge: Our team of experienced recruiters have a deep understanding of the legal market. We know what jobs are available, what the salaries are, and what the requirements are. This knowledge allows us to help our candidates find the right job for their skills and experience.
  • Professional approach: We take a professional approach to our work. We are committed to providing our candidates and clients with the best possible service. We are always available to answer questions and to provide support.
  • Recruiter of choice for many law firms: We are the recruiter of choice for many law firms. This is because we have a proven track record of success in placing candidates. We have a strong network of contacts in the legal community, and we are able to get our candidates in front of the right people.
  • Direct access to Partners and key stake holders: We have direct access to Partners and key stake holders in law firms. This allows us to find the best possible opportunities for our candidates.
  • Complete confidentiality: We understand that confidentiality is important to our candidates and clients. We will never share your information with anyone without your permission.

We offer a first-class service to our candidates and clients. We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience, and we will do everything we can to help you find the right job or candidate.

For Candidates:

  • First-class service: We will provide you with a personalized service, tailored to your specific needs. We will work with you to understand your career goals and to find the right job for you.
  • Reputable: We are a reputable and well-respected legal recruitment service. We have a proven track record of success in placing candidates.
  • Knowledgeable: Our team of experienced recruiters have a deep understanding of the legal market. We know what jobs are available, what the salaries are, and what the requirements are. This knowledge allows us to help you find the right job for your skills and experience.
  • Helpful: We are always available to answer your questions and to provide you with support. We want to make the job search process as easy as possible for you.

For Clients:

  • Fact-finding call: We will conduct a fact-finding call to understand your vacancy. We will ask you questions about the role, the skills required, and the salary range. This will help us to find the best possible candidates for you.
  • Deep understanding of the business: We will take the time to understand your business and your culture. This will help us to find the best possible candidates who are a good fit for your organization.
  • Dedicated resourcing time: We will dedicate time to sourcing candidates for you. We will use a variety of methods, including online job boards, print publications, and social media. We will also network with our contacts in the legal community.
  • Head hunting if required: We will head hunt candidates if required. This means that we will actively search for candidates who are not actively looking for a job.
  • Promise to find suitable candidates: We promise to find suitable candidates for you. If we are unable to find suitable candidates, we will refund your fee.
  • We won’t work with everyone in the market so able to access a wider pool of talent: We are selective about the clients we work with. This means that we have access to a wider pool of talent. We are confident that we can find the best possible candidates for you.

Get a Free Consultation Today!

Our legal recruitment service is dedicated to connecting top-level candidates with the best opportunities in the industry. Whether you're seeking experienced attorneys, paralegals, or legal assistants, we have the expertise and resources to help you find the right fit. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your legal team to the next level!